Xiamen opts for AFI KLM E&M 787 support


Xiamen opts for AFI KLM E&M 787 support

Xiamen Airlines has opted for AFI KLM E&M to support the launch of its fleet of Boeing 787 Dreamliners and subsequent component maintenance and overhaul services for the aircraft.

The long-term contract between the two groups includes component support for six Dreamliner aircraft operated by XiamenAir.

”AFI KLM E&M designs and implements bespoke component support programs to allow airlines operating the 787 to launch their new aircraft with a limited investment,” says the MRO provider.

“At the same time, the dedicated AFI KLM E&M pooling program allows them to benefit from substantial economies of scale.”

Xiamen is the seventh significant 787 operator and the first Chinese one to choose AFI KLM E&M as its long term 787 components support provider.

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