Trent XWB Egines for Singapore Airlines A350-900


Rolls-Royce has welcomed a decision by Singapore Airlines to select 30 additional Airbus A350-900 aircraft that will be powered by Trent XWB engines – the most efficient large civil aero engines flying in the world today.

Singapore Airlines has ordered 30 A350-900s plus options for 20 more. The options may be converted into firm orders for larger A350-1000s. The announcement brings Singapore Airlines’ total number of A350-900s on order to 70.

The Trent XWB is the only engine that powers the A350-900 and is the exclusive engine for the A350-1000. It is the fastest-selling member of the Rolls-Royce family of six Trent engines, with more than 1,300 already sold to 35 customers.

In addition Singapore Airlines is to order 30 Boeing 787-10X aircraft, conditional upon Boeing formally launching the Boeing 787-10X programme.

Rolls-Royce will offer the Trent 1000-TEN engine, designed to power the -10X as well as the -8 and -9 variants, which will deliver a performance improvement of up to 3 per cent compared to Trent 1000 engines currently in service.

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