Pratt & Whitney has launched EngineWise


Pratt & Whitney has launched EngineWise, a new service brand to better represent what it offers and how it is evolving to improve the predictability, reliability and health of customers’ fleets.


EngineWise encompasses all the initiatives Pratt & Whitney has to share intelligence including technical expertise, fleet data and business information with customers – so they can make smarter decisions that keep their engines, operations and businesses healthy. It covers all commercial engine products services by Pratt & Whitney, including Pratt & Whitney Canada and International Aero Engines (IAE) products.

EngineWise unifies Pratt & Whitney’s services portfolio that:


·         Use state-of-the art data analytics and real-time intelligence to predict and prevent engine disruptions before they occur; predictive analytics tools include

o    Enhanced analytics, 
providing expert analysis of real-time health data for more than 7,000 engines in service through data analytics platform ADEM (Advanced Diagnostics and Engine Monitoring)

o    Full flight data, 
capturing thousands of engine and aircraft data parameters throughout full flight cycle, instead of snapshots at takeoff and cruise, to better monitor engine performance through e-FAST data ecosystem.

·         Involves significant investments in new technology and resources such as

o    Investments in technology and infrastructure to upgrade equipment, add capacity and expand capability in the network of facilities

o    Enhanced customer training capability with e-training and 3-D animations, and will develop virtual reality training tools to enable effective training from remote locations

·         Increase smarter, more straightforward solutions; current service offerings cover:

o    Customized, comprehensive dollar-per-flight-hour support to optimize cost of ownership over the life cycle of an engine (Fleet Management Program)

o    Fixed price or time-and-material engine maintenance solution (engine overhaul service)

o    New and serviceable parts and part repair services designed to extend part life and improve residual value (material solutions)

* New service offerings will be added based on customer needs

o    Mobile support or on-wing and near-wing light maintenance such as quick-turn repairs, service bulletin incorporation and component replacement


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