New board members set for ACI Asia-Pacific & Middle East

New board members set for ACI Asia-Pacific & Middle East Airports Council International Asia-Pacific & Middle East (ACI APAC & MID), a trade group for 623 airports, announced the appointment of two new members to its board.

Carrie Hurihanganui

The two new elected members are Carrie Hurihanganui, Chief Executive Officer of Auckland International Airport Limited, New Zealand, and Dr. Kijmanawat Kerati, President of Airports of Thailand Plc. The term of the two new directors will commence from 01 January 2024, and will end on 31 December 2026.

Hurihanganui’s appointment marks a significant milestone for ACI APAC & MID, contributing to a more inclusive and balanced representation of genders within the board. ACI APAC & MID now has three women on the board. The other two are Lorie Argus, CEO of Australia Pacific Airports and Sarah Samuel, Senior VP-ICM Technologies (An Amadeus company).

Dr. Kijmanawat Kerati

Commenting on their appointment, Emmanuel Menanteau, President, ACI APAC & MID, said “We are delighted to welcome Ms. Hurihanganui and Dr. Kerati to the ACI APAC & MID board. They are already established leaders, and their extensive experience and expertise in the aviation industry will contribute towards the achievement of our organisation’s objectives. It’s gratifying to see a diverse representation of women on our board.”

Stefano Baronci, the Director General, ACI APAC & MID said “The election of Ms. Hurihanganui and Dr. Kerati brings a great balance of representation of members on the board from across the region. The selection of these highly-respected industry leaders demonstrates the ACI APAC & MID’s commitment to effectively representing the needs and interests of airports across Asia-Pacific and Middle East regions.”


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