Hong Kong-based Metrojet and its team members have recently been awarded multiple Safety Awards by the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA). These awards serve as testimony to the exemplary safety standards that Metrojet upholds and pay tribute to the professionalism that the staff demonstrate.
Since joining the NBAA as a corporate member in 2007, Metrojet has flown 63,150 consecutive hours with no incidents or accidents, and for this achievement, was awarded both the Aviation Maintenance Department Safety Award and the Corporate Business Flying Safety Award. Captains Michael Palmer and Peter Lawrie, Engineers Mr Arcel Diaz and Mr James Ma, and Dispatcher Ms Frances Pang were individually conferred the Safety Awards for operating business aircraft or providing professional maintenance/dispatcher services without an accident involving damage to property or injury to persons.
“At Metrojet, safety takes precedence over all business activities. We have a 24-year history of accident-free operations. These awards recognise our organisation and acknowledge the dedication of our staff towards safety at work, and their collective support and standards contributing to protecting our clients, business partners and each other,” said Mr Gary Dolski, chief executive officer at Metrojet.
Established in 1997, Metrojet as part of the Kadoorie Group, pioneered business aviation services in Hong Kong and remains one of the foremost safety and customer-focussed business jet operators and maintenance providers in the Asia Pacific region. The company provides all-inclusive aircraft management, charter, maintenance, and aviation consultancy services to our growing business aviation customer base.
香港 – (2021年8月24日) — 香港公务航空服务运营商 美捷香港商用飞机有限公司(Metrojet Limited,www.metrojet.com)及其团队成员最近荣获美国国家公务航空协会(National Business Aviation Association ,NBAA)颁发的多个安全奖项。这些奖项不但印证了美捷坚守的安全标准属国际模范级别,更表扬了美捷员工的专业精神。
自 2007 年成为NBAA企业会员以来,美捷已连续飞行 63,150 小时,当中并无发生任何事故或意外,因而获得航空维修部安全奖及企业公务飞行安全奖。Michael Palmer 及 Peter Lawrie 机长、工程師Arcel Diaz及James Ma 先生和 飛行調度員Frances Pang 女士分别在没有财产损失或人员受伤事故的情况下,提供专业飞行、维修及调度服务而获颁个人安全奖。
美捷香港商用飞机有限公司首席执行官Gary Dolski 先生表示:“美捷首重安全,更甚于所有业务活动,我们拥有 24 年无事故运营纪录。这些奖项表彰了美捷及员工对工作安全的重视和标准,以及我们保护客户、业务合作伙伴和彼此那份上下一心、紧守安全的支持。”