UPDATED: China un-cancels Zhuhai Airshow

A mock-up of the CR929’s cabin and flight deck was unveiled at the China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai. The aircraft is being developed by China-Russia Commercial Aircraft International Corporation.
A mock-up of the CR929’s cabin and flight deck was unveiled at the China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai. The aircraft is being developed by China-Russia Commercial Aircraft International Corporation.

Use this oneOrganisers of China’s biggest airshow, the China’s International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai, scheduled for 10-15 November, backtracked on an earlier announcement that the show had been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic and have now said the show will go on as scheduled. The biennial event usually draws top aviation names from around the world including Airbus, Boeing, Commercial Aircraft Corp of China (COMAC) and a host of others.

“As of now, China’s 13th Zhuhai Airshow will still be held as scheduled. If there is any change, please refer to the official news and website,” a spokesman told Reuters. An email from the spokesman earlier on Wednesday had said had been cancelled, but he later said that statement was based on his own “prediction”.

Aerial performances at the Zhuhai Airshow. (PHOTO: Shutterstock)

Other airshows and conferences around the world have been cancelled or moved online. Britain’s Farnborough Airshow was cancelled because of travel curbs and an industry downturn resulting from the pandemic. The Singapore Airshow was one of the few to go ahead and that was because it was held in February just when the COVID-19 pandemic was gathering steam. Even so, dozens of exhibitors from around the world cancelled their appearances in Singapore as a precaution.

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